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UFO's, Aliens and "Extra-Terrestrials" (Please note... videos are routinely removed if they seem to be getting far too much attention, or hit the nail on the head on a subject...)

"Extra-Terrestrials:" What exactly are they and are they actually "extra" terrestrial?

There ARE weird things going on up there... Original video material of NASA Shuttle missions as taped by Canadian Cable station Employee: UFO The Secret NASA Transmissions: The Smoking Gun. 1 hour, 29 minutes - First part is discussion of how Martyn Stubbs obtained the video. There are many actual video sections interspersed throughout this first part, so it is good to watch the whole thing at some point. Actual footage begins in full 1 hour, 14 minutes, 30 seconds into the video. Tether is 12 miles long... keep that in mind when it is 77 miles from the shuttle and craft are passing behind it. (You can also google video or youtube "Martyn Stubbs" for much more recent interviews and information.

  1. Jaw-Dropping UFO and Extraterrestrial Footage (Part 1)
  2. Jaw-Dropping UFO and Extraterrestrial Footage (Part 2) (NASA Tether incident)
  3. Jaw-Dropping UFO and Extraterrestrial Footage (Part 3)
  4. Jaw-Dropping UFO and Extraterrestrial Footage (Part 4)
  5. Jaw-Dropping UFO and Extraterrestrial Footage (Part 5)

NASA's Alien Anomalies caught on film! A compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA's archives - Pt. 1
NASA's Alien Anomalies caught on film" A compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA's archives - Pt. 2.

Tether and UFO's around it discussed, and other UFO evidence

  • This is Part 1 (of 11) of a scientific discussion regarding the UFO's and footage, space flight faster than light, and speculation on various of the UFO purposes.

    Alien's and Androids? Watch all segments available at youtube.com

    Mars crater civilization evidence

    What is the agenda of these "visitors," and why does the government keep this quiet? What are these craft, and who are operating them? A great deception is in the making, as the NASA Blue Beam project video below touches on. You can also obtain more discussion on who these "beings" are on the UFO's and the Bible page.

    NEW:NASA's Project blue beam - NWO, Pt. 1: Project technologies being prepared against the population of the world.

    NASA's Project blue beam - NWO, Pt. 2

    NEW: NASA Moon Landing... was it a fraud?

    See convincing proof that the moon landing was likely a fake: Believe your own eyes...

    Ask yourself these questions:

    NASA UFO's: The Smoking Gun! Space Shuttle video evidence of space craft - whether alien or terrestrial origin, incredible flying technologies DO exist.

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