Attachment J - Jeffrey- Thomas: Maehr

Involuntary Servitude & Peonage


INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE & PEONAGE - a condition of compulsory service or labor performed by one person, against his will, for the benefit of another person due to force, threats, intimidation or other similar means of coercion and compulsion directed against him. Lectric Law Library Lexicon:

Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 1584, makes it a Federal crime or offense for anyone to willfully hold another person in involuntary servitude.

A person can be found guilty of that offense only if all of the following facts are proved beyond a reasonable doubt:

1. That the person held the victim in a condition of 'involuntary servitude;'
2. That such holding was for a 'term,'; and
3. That the person acted knowingly and willfully.

It must be shown that a person held to involuntary servitude was so held for a 'term.' It is not necessary, however, that any specific period of time be proved so long as the 'term' of the involuntary service was not wholly insubstantial or insignificant.

Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 1581(a) is the peonage law cited

The specific facts which must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in order to establish the offense of peonage include each and all of the three specific factual elements constituting involuntary servitude as previously stated and explained in these instructions, plus a fourth specific fact; namely, that the involuntary servitude was compelled by the person in order to satisfy a real or imagined debt regardless of amount.

In considering whether service or labor was performed by someone against his will or involuntarily, it makes no difference that the person may have initially agreed, voluntarily, to render the service or perform the work. If a person willingly begins work but later desires to withdraw and is then forced to remain and perform work against his will, his service becomes involuntary. Also, whether a person is paid a salary or a wage is not determinative of the question as to whether that person has been held in involuntary servitude. In other words, if a person is forced to labor against his will, his service is involuntary even though he is paid for his work.

However, it is necessary to prove that the person knowingly and willfully took action, by way of force, threats, intimidation or other form of coercion, causing the victim to reasonably believe that he had no way to avoid continued service, that he was confronted by the existence of a superior and overpowering authority, constantly threatening to the extent that his will was completely subjugated.

Based on the above facts of law, the IRS is clearly guilty of, or potentially guilty of, breaking this law against me personally as follows:

1. That the person held the victim in a condition of 'involuntary servitude';

The IRS has consistently claimed that I was legally required to pay income taxes, when the law and facts prove otherwise. Any continuance of this, based on this "Notice," is clearly forcing me, through threat of financial and criminal penalties, to continue this process of involuntary servitude to the IRS. Previous legal notice went unrebutted, yet the IRS pursued and secured a financial penalty, (See Attachment Q) providing prima facie evidence of condition number one.

2. That such holding was for a "term;"

The IRS has claimed for all my life that all Americans owe income taxes as long as they receive an "income," a term not legally correct in IR Code and not applying to me. This is a definite length of time, and fulfills condition number two.

3. That the person acted knowingly and willfully.

The IRS has been contacted for many years, by myself as well as many others who have sought answers to questions on the legality of income taxation. Along with these questions, case and Constitutional laws have been provided to clearly show that the IRS is breaking the law, and all parties supporting the IRS's illegal tactics are also guilty of knowingly and willing continuing this fraud against Americans.

I present this as further evidence of crimes being committed on a daily basis, and require responsible parties to act on this criminal knowledge by commencing a Grand Jury to publicly investigate this or be personally liable.

Jeffrey- Thomas: Maehr, Copyright (C) 2006, All rights reserved.